he rights of students to the examination and treatment of medical insurance any different from any other object ?

Jan 2, 2014

You Da Nang Nguyen Thi Minh asked :+
I know the cost of insured students is 3% of the minimum wage and supported the state budget by 30% while some other objects close at 4.5 % of salary and wages . So the rights of students to have health insurance when health care other than what other groups or not , and enjoy what ?
Reply to :
Under the provisions of the medical insurance  Law and guiding documents , the Health Insurance Law students to object when medical examination was conducted in accordance with the following effects :
- Examination and treatment and rehabilitation ;
- Examination for screening , early diagnosis of diseases ;
- 100 % of health care costs in the commune ;
- 100 % of health care costs in the case of total health care costs of one-time 15 % lower than the minimum wage ;
- 80 % of health care costs but no more than 40 months ' common minimum salary for a service uses high-tech , large cost .
The rights of students, when students seek medical medical insurance  is no different from the general interests of the other groups . / .

BS . Vu Xuan Peng, Deputy Chief Make medical insurance  Policy
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